Table and Service
Looking for a comprehensive array of top quality collections from the top brands in the hospitality world? Manufacturers like HEPP who have been supplying the best hotels in the industry throughout the world for over 150 years or WMF whose brand is an accepted byword for renowned German quality?
Then check out the comprehensive selection of top quality cutlery patterns qualities and pride categories from both these suppliers.
The Collections
Sambonet Collection an ambience of luxury and silver service from room service to champagne and caviar
LSA Tableware LSA International Contemporary Handmade Collections
Bar Service Showing bar service collections from Alfi, Hepp and WMF
Afternoon Tea Service The Ultimate in Afternoon Tea Service Collections
Accessories Other accessories to decorate your tabletop and service
Alfi Thermos Collection Thermos flasks, coffee pots and tea pots
Peugeot Mills and Spice Collection Collections of Mills and Spices from the Peugeot range
WMF Bar and Table Service Collections from WMF bar and table service
Jenaer Glas Bar and Drinks Service Collections for bar service range from Jenaerglas
Hepp Bar Service Showing bar service collections from Hepp
Alfi Bar Service Collections from the Alfi bar service